Diggin' in the Dirt Newsletter

Monday, September 26, 2011

A Meal Fit for a King

Several hungry Monarchs stopped by my garden today for a bite to drink, I guess I should say.

They had a several course meal starting with an appetizer of Lantana Camara

Then they moved on to sample the Salvia farinacea

They took a nibble of orange Cosmos,  
but didn't stay long enough for me to get a picture.

Then they washed it all down with a big ol' gulp of their favorite, Mexican Milkweed (Asclepias curassavica)

The Monarchs are making their annual migration down to Mexico; and Grapevine, Texas, and thankfully my garden were on their flight path today :-) 

  Click here to learn more about the annual journey of the "King of Butterflies."

Heads up, South Texas, the winged wonders are on their way down.  What's on the menu in your garden?

Toni :-)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Diggin' in the Dirt Newsletter - Fall 2011

A cool front has finally blown into North Texas, and we are all breathing a collective sigh of relief!    With no rain in the forecast, we are still not out of the woods, but a break from the triple digits is at least a start.

I write a seasonal newsletter with gardening tips and information for North Central Texas.

If you live in Zone 7/8, you might find it helpful.   
Click here to read the newsletter.

Get those shovels ready, gardeners.  Fall is on the horizon, and we'll be diggin' in the dirt soon! 

Cool...very cool!

Toni :-)