Diggin' in the Dirt Newsletter

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Blooms for the Blues

Post-vacation blues, the August heat, and a gimpy arm (yes, again!) have had me a little down in the dumps lately, so I thought a look back through some garden pictures might cheer me up a little.  Here are a few pictures before the repeated triple digits took their toll on the plants...and me.

Now that's a cheerful sight for sad eyes and a sore arm :-)  

The Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' has taken center stage in my garden this summer.   Last year they suffered so with the drought, but this year they have done much better.

Other perennials near the front walk are Summer Phlox, 'Henry' and 'Augusta Duelberg' Salvia, 'King Humbert' Canna, and 'Karley Rose' Fountain Grass.

The Rudbeckia-Phlox-Canna combination is at work in the backyard, too,

And more Rudbeckia blooming on the other side of the backyard with Salvia guaranitica 'Black & Blue' and 'Bengal Tiger' Canna behind

In the front perennial bed, here is the Rudbeckia again, paired this time with 'May Night' Salvia and annual 'Profusion' Zinnias.

Now here are some blues to take away the blues.

New on the summer scene is Clematis 'Jackmanii'.   I am growing this vine on an obelisk surrounded by daylilies that were given to me by a friend.    The daylilies are all in varying peach and yellow tones, and they bloomed in May and June.  

This last one is called 'Parade of Peacocks.'

Some great replenishing rains have come to my summer-weary garden this week, so hopefully it will start perking up again.    

And hopefully I will, too.

Toni :-)