Diggin' in the Dirt Newsletter

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Backyard Bling #1 - We've Been Building Again

A few months ago we built the potting bench of my dreams.

It turned out to be such an easy project, that we decided to try building a table for our back patio.   As I did with the potting bench, I drew out the plans and determined all of the measurements.  Then I paid another visit to my local Lowe's, and one of the nice guys in the lumber department cut all of the lumber to my specifications.

One willing accommodating husband, an electric drill, and a box of screws later, here is the table right after we finished building it.  I used plain pine lumber for the table top and bottom shelf and treated turned posts for the legs, cut to the desired height.

Hanging above the table I have a decorative iron and wood piece.  I love the paint finish on this piece, so decided to try to paint the table with a similar finish.    Here's a close-up of the inspiration for the paint finish.

Here is the table after painting it.   I just used several colors of old leftover paints and stains that we had in the garage, and added the paint in layers until I achieved a finish that was fairly close to my inspiration piece.

Scrolled iron brackets and clavos nail heads were added to bring a little more bling to this backyard thing.

A few more garden accents were added, and this project was complete...just in time for the garden tour!

Stay tuned for more backyard bling -- believe it or not, we are not done building just yet!

Toni :-)


  1. Wow, I really liked the original look of your table but the scrolled iron brackets and clavos nail heads took it to the next level. I'm quite impressed.

  2. Such character! You've inspired me.

  3. It looks perfect!!! Love that finish! I can't believe you're out there building things before your garden tour! You go, girl!

  4. I LOVE it Toni. Looks great! We could all use this inspiration for our own gardens.

  5. OMG very impressive, i even want it inside not just a garden bench. I am sure everybody on the tour will be appreciating that with ohhs and ahhs!

  6. Wow! I love them both. You make it sound so simple to build but the result is very impressive! I love how you finished the table.

  7. Wow! What a beautiful addition to your garden. Love the finish you gave the new table as well as the details with the brackets...just gorgeous! After seeing your original post on the potting bench I was inspired to build one of my own. I found many designs on Pinterest as well as your own and now hope to complete it this year sometime.

  8. That's gorgeous! I absolutely love it!

  9. Love the potting bench..and now, the table.
    It's beautiful!

  10. That is fabulous! All the details and the finish make it look like an heirloom piece. Well done!

  11. I love it!!! WANT!!!! What I wish for the most is to tour your garden. Lucky for the folks who get that privilege.


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