Diggin' in the Dirt Newsletter

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What's Bloomin' - December '10

After a few hard freezes, dormancy is settling into my garden, but for this Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, I did manage to find a few photo worthy blooms.

Japanese Aralia 
(Fatsia japonica)

These interesting white puffballs really stand out against the large glossy evergreen foliage.

Even though the Monarchs are mostly likely tucked away in the trees of Mexico by now, the Mexican Milkweed (Asclepias curassavica) continues to bloom in my garden.

It is setting seed pods now, so hopefully I'll have some free plants next year :-)

And the ever-blooming Knock Out Rose  
(Rosa 'Radrazz')  
just keeps on blooming its head off in the middle of December. 

The 'Elsa Spath' Clematis has not gotten the memo that it is December, so it just keeps on blooming, too.

I have never seen it bloom beyond October before, so this is a winter treat.

'Diamond Frost' Euphorbia just will not quit!   

This is an annual that I add to containers.  It pairs nicely with either Pentas or Impatiens.

So far it has not been fazed by the freezes we've had this month.

Fried green tomatoes, anyone?

And lastly, yes, I know these don't look like blooms, but they used to be :-)   

I had a nice crop of fall tomatoes, but unfortunately I got them planted a few weeks too late, so the fruit did not have time to ripen.   I covered the plants a few times with frost cloth when the temps got down to 31 or 32, but this week it dipped down into the upper 20s.   I didn't want to take the chance of losing the fruit, so I went ahead and picked the tomatoes.  They should ripen slowly over the next month or two.

For some interesting advice on what to do with your green tomotoes, click here

Even though the blooms are starting to slow down in my garden, there is still plenty of color to enjoy.  

Tune in tomorrow for my Foliage Follow-up !

If you're under a blanket of snow right now
and you need a bloom fix about now, 
hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.

 Until next time...

Toni :-)


  1. Your just teasing with all those blooms, Toni. Yes, we are under a blanket of snow and thanks for the color fix. Happy GBBD.

  2. Your garden looks amazing. I thought Texas was a just sand! I have a friend who works there and she says nothing grows - I'll have to send her to visit you! A clematis in December is a very unusual thing, enjoy it while you can, Christina

  3. Lovely blooms to share ... despite the cold. I too have the Euphorbia 'Diamond Frost' and it just never quits here either ... fabulous looking plant. Gorgeous Clematis and Rose, love the Milkweed and the Fatsia is looking good.

  4. Great pics. I love the colours and shapes of the Japanese Aralia.

  5. Lovely post! It is freezing here and so it is wonderful to look at a garden that is not snow covered. What a treat it would be to have clematis and roses at this time of year. I am deeply envious!
    P.S. I love your maple leaf scans. What lovely shapes the leaves have.

  6. A great group of photos for bloom day. I love that euphorbia---I think I saw it in a bloom day post from Australia too. What a small world. Carolyn

  7. Haven't checked this week, but I think the only "blooms" left in Kansas are on the ornamental grasses!

  8. I can't believe your butterfly weed is still blooming! Mine froze a couple weeks back...location, location, location! Also, you know I've seen posts about the aralia blooming and mine never has...hmmp. What's up with that?!

    I need to add that clematis to my wish list...maybe Santa can bring that too like the hydrangea?

  9. aloha,

    i love your winter colors and textures that you are sharing with us this morning..isn't it amazing how clematis can just surprise you with unexpected blooms - amazing


  10. That fatsia is so pretty and exotic! My knockouts always bloom better this time of year. They really don't seem to like our summer heat and humidity. Can't figure them out yet, but it sure seems that way. Love, love, love that gorgeous clematis! (Wish we could grow those here!)

  11. I love all your beautiful flowers, they are stunning to look at even in the cold cold winter!

  12. There's nothing like 1 month past tomato season (for me) to make me start craving them again. You'd think after the number of tomatoes I harvested this year I'd stay tired of them longer but now I can't wait for next summer! Beautiful flowers, too -- I bet it is easier to keep the foliage looking nice on that milkweed now (love the monarchs but they do tend to make asclepias look ratty).

  13. The clemanits is beautiful, and the Diamond Frost - It puts on a great show here during winter as well.

  14. Diamond Frost is great isn't it. Just keeps on chugging (until frost that is). Like that clematis too...

  15. @gardenwalk: Happy to accommodate on the "color fix." Just glad I had something blooming. I hope you're staying warm and cozy in your festive and beautifully decorated home :-)

    @Christina: Oh, Texas has the most diverse soils anywhere, I swear. We have sand and clay and hard limestone and black gumbo, and sometimes lovely sandy loam. Add gobs of compost and anything will grow :-) Gorgeous sky shots on your last post. Wow!!

    @Bernie: If we get sustained freezing temps, the Euphorbia will go bye-bye, but I'll enjoy as long as I can.

    @Mac: The Fatsia has gotten so pretty over the years. Could be cold tender here, but in 12 years I've had no problems. Yea! Lots of tall tree cover to protect it, I guess. Thanks for visiting!

    @Jennifer: Hanging on to a few blooms here in December. A few more freezes, and all will be gone. Glad you're enjoying the scans, too. I've had lots of fun doing them. Wonder what I'll scan next??

    @Carolyn: Thanks for your visit. Yes, the Euphorbia is hard to beat. It's a staple in my summer containers (and now winter, too, it seems!)

    @Prof: Hey, I'll take ornamental grasses any day! Can't beat 'em. Lots of bang for the buck!

    @Whimsical: Hi Cat! The milkweed is not long for this world. It's on the south side of my yard and hanging in there for now. The ones on the north side did freeze earlier. 'Ramona' clematis is another nice blue variety to try. Maybe it's age on the aralia that brings blooms - mine is 12 yrs old.

    @Noel: Yes, the clematis is a big surprise! Very slight freezes here so far. I guess being against the brick holds some heat, too. Little micro climate for it, maybe :-)

    @Floridagirl: K-O Roses really kick it up a notch in the fall and early winter. I'm sure another freeze will send the blooms drooping, though. Clematis has been a faithful bloomer for many years! Love it :-)

    @P3: Thanks for visiting! Hopefully the blooms brought some warmth into the cold :-)

    @Eliza: I just hope those green tomatoes do ripen. With my gimpy arm situation, I got behind on fall veggies. Yes, the Monarchs can do a number on the milkweed foliage. It's worth it, though :-)

    @Missy & @ John: Both clematis and euphorbia are faithful blooming friends, indeed! Thanks for visiting :-)

  16. Liking the looks of that Clematis; the lavender color against the red bricks is quite stunning.


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