Diggin' in the Dirt Newsletter

Saturday, January 15, 2011

What's Bloomin' - January 2011

It's Garden Bloggers Bloom Day
So I'm off to find a bloom
I wonder if I'll find some posies
Or only winter's gloom

As I walked throughout my garden
There was not a bloom in sight
What's left for a garden blogger
when faced with, oh, such plight?

Just then I saw a bud
Guess that will have to do

And then I saw some berries
Why, yes, I'll take those too!

So I came inside to look
For a bloom that I might mention
And saw my African violet
Just vying for my attention

This violet belonged to my grandmother
who has long since passed away
So today I'll honor her violet
which brightens my winter day

To carry on what she started
so many years ago
I've rooted this little cutting
Oh, I hope that it will grow!

To see what's blooming in other parts of the world, visit May Dreams Gardens

Until next time,

Enjoy what's bloomin'...outside or in

Toni :-)


  1. Toni, nice tour, and I liked how I felt like I was standing along side of you as I traveled through your verse. Good post and tribute to your grandmother too. Now off to Blotanical.

  2. A beautiful post Toni - hoping your new start takes off! A beautiful tribute to your grandmother. We're cold and wet husband and daughter will be traveling that way tomorrow to check out Austin College!

  3. Thanks, Donna. I've had that violet for over 20 years -- could be closer to 30. Not sure how that could be because I'm not that old (ha!), but I've been carting that thing around everywhere I've moved. It just keeps hanging on and blooming.

    Cat, dreary and wet here, too. Perfect day to blog around. Looks like your hubby and daughter are traveling up this way and then some. Hope all goes well. I'm sure your daughter is ready for college...are you?

  4. That is wonderful to have a plant that belonged to your grandmother. I'm sure that it means a lot to you.
    I just bought Easy Container Combos: vegetables and flowers by P. Crawford. (I noticed you listed one of her books on your sidebar). I'm looking forward to using it as a resource. :)

  5. Amy, yes, it is very cool to have the violet from my grandmother. She used to have dozens of violets on a table in her living room. Crawford's Easy Container Gardening is THE BEST container book I've ever had by far!!! You'll love it!

  6. Nice looking violets; love the ruffled edge. And who can pass up the bright red berries of the Nandina.

  7. Lovely post. Reminds me that I need to try African violets again.

  8. Very clever way to handle GBBD in January. I enjoyed it.

  9. The best "What's Bloomin" EVER!!!

  10. @RBell: I love the nandinas, too, even though I know they're blacklisted with TX Parks Dept.

    @Birdwoman & Carolyn: Glad you enjoyed the post :-) Had to find a way to make a non-blooming January a little more entertaining :-)

    @Eve: Now, come on...EVER??? I doubt that, but I'm glad you stopped by and liked the post. I know you can appreciate my silly rhymes :-)

  11. Love, love, love your poem! Nothing like garden poetry to put a smile on my face. Yes, flower buds and berries and indoor plants do count for GBBD. Your grandmother's violets are beautiful, and how wonderful of you to keep the memory alive.

  12. @Floridagirl: Glad you liked the poem. Sometimes the occasion just calls for a rhyme!

  13. I enjoyed your Bloom Day in rhyme and what a beautiful violet to have as a remembrance of your grandmother! I wish I could grow African violets but my greenthumb turns to brown when I come inside.

  14. Great Bloom Day rhyming ... so enjoyable! Your AV is gorgeous and how lovely to find some colour out in your garden as well.

  15. Great post! Reminds me of my Iris bed, some of the flowers have been past-down for generations..
    The last time we moved I put it in the contract that the Irises were going with me!

  16. @Dorothy: Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment! Believe me, my thumb is much greener outside than in, so I have a very limited number of indoor plants. Outside, the sky's the limit :-)

    @Bernie: Hey, this time of year, I'll take what I can get with color in the garden. I hope you are safe from the flooding. Take care!

    @Rebecca: How special to have pass-along plants! I'm afraid if we moved, I'd need a separate moving van just for the plants I'd want to take along! Ha!!

  17. Darla and Mac: Thanks for visiting. So glad you enjoyed the post. My mind thinks in rhymes for some reason sometimes.


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