Diggin' in the Dirt Newsletter

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

I have been awarded the Stylish Blogger Award by...

Hanni of Sweet Bean Gardening 
Deb of Deb's Garden and
Frances of Island Threads 

I really enjoy their blogs, and I hope you will stop by and visit them.

I have been asked to:
  1. Post a link back to the person(s) who gave me the award
  2. Share 7 random things about myself
  3. Award 15 recently discovered bloggers and drop them a note to tell them about it  
Okay.  Here goes (by the numbers)...

1) I don't like spending 1 minute in a mall, but I could spend 24 hours in a garden center :-)

2) I was a free-lance court reporter for 17 years.  In 2003 I traded in transcripts for trowels and left lawyers for landscapes -- and never looked back!

3) I have a 2 1/2-inch scar on my forearm from recent radial tunnel surgery.  Maybe I'm spending a little too much time with those trowels and landscapes?

4) I have 2 grandsons (and, yes, I'm too young to have grandchildren)

5) I drive a 2007 Sport Trac. I love my little truck :-)

6) I just had 20 shrubs ripped out of my backyard.   Last year after pruning those shrubs, I wrote in my gardening journal,"They are getting ripped out!  I am done with pruning those things."  Yep, I'm done.

7) Psalm 16 is my favorite Psalm.  "Apart from the Lord I have no good thing."   Pretty much sums it up for me :-)

I would like to recognize these blogs I've recently discovered (by the letter)...

S - Secrets of a Seed Scatterer
T - Thanks for Today
Y - Yardflower
L - Life in Robin's Nest
I -  It's Not Work, It's Gardening
S - Southern Post
H - Hoe and Shovel
B - Blackgates Garden World
L - Ledge and Gardens
O - Open Sesame Garden
G - Gardening Tips and Pics
G - Garden Cuizine
E - EvoOrganics
R - Root of it All
S - Sunny Side Up

We garden bloggers are an interesting bunch!  I hope you take a minute to discover some new blogs, too.

Happy Blogging! 
Toni :-)


  1. Yup, isn't He good? I can't imagine the gardening in eternity. :)

    Loved reading your seven things, too. Why don't they have garden centers IN the mall? Now that would for me!

  2. I too especially liked number 7. I think He pays specially attention to the Texas gardeners. While I have been a part of Blotanical, I have seen the prettiest gardens come out of Texas. You must have double the blessings of good soil and weather.

  3. Congratulations Toni! Isn't the gardening blogosphere full of cool, wonderful people?! I love learning random things about people. Helps you get to know who they really are. Again, congrats on the well deserved award!

  4. Toni, congratulations on your stylish blog award! How exciting to be gifted by 3 different bloggers!!! Wonderful getting to know more about you, too!

  5. Thanks for the link back to my blog! I enjoyed reading the facts about yourself. I agree with #7! I hope you are recovering well from your surgery. I also look forward to exploring some of the blogs you mentioned that I am unfamiliar with. I like the way you listed them according to letter!

  6. glad you posted Toni and thanks for the nice comment about my blog, yes I too could spend 24 hours in a garden centre we don't even have one on the island here, I'm glad your arm is getting better, I did hesitate about chosing your blog due to your not being able to blog these last few weeks but want to include your blog as I do enjoy it and found you through blotanical, I absolutly love the stylish way you have presented your 15 blogs, Frances

  7. Hi Toni,
    While I said I don't usually post about these awards or do these 'memes' I do want to say thank you for linking to my blog and for the honor. You are sweet to do that. I am so sorry you've been dealing with pain but glad the surgery went well and the healing is taking place! I will add this award to a separate page I have and if and when the time feels right I might actually post about it...meanwhile I will add it to a page I started back when I first started blogging. I don't mean to be ungrateful and not accept the award...I guess I just don't like posting details about myself on my blog! But I do want to tell you thank you...and I hope you are feeling better and better every day;-)


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