Diggin' in the Dirt Newsletter

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Shot in the Light

I originally had no intention of entering the Picture This Contest hosted by Gardening Gone Wild this month.  

Being the ultra-novice photographer that I am, 
taking a photo featuring an artist's eye for lighting  
seemed more like a shot in the dark.  

Inspired by some recent entries by other bloggers, though, I thought I'd look through my picture files to see if I could find something remotely worthy of an entry.

Here are some pictures I took on one of our trips to Oregon.

 A spectacular sunset over the hills surrounding the Willamette Valley

This is my aunt's bed & breakfast in the hills overlooking 
the Willamette Valley.  

The rolling hills of vineyards are aglow in the autumn light.

The Japanese Gardens of Portland are a must-see 
for any visit to the Pacific Northwest. 

I love how the light is filtering through the Japanese Maples 
causing their reflection in the pond below.

Visit the contest gallery page to see which photo I entered.


Toni :-)

"God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all."
1 John 1:5


  1. I don't know how you made a decision! They are all more than worthy. Best of luck Toni!

  2. That last one is amazing... I think you've captured the essaence of that scene! L

  3. All are beautiful! Love the last one! Such a place!! I'm on my way to see which one!

  4. Yea! I picked the last one to enter in the contest. Whew! Glad y'all liked that one :-)

  5. Yes, I think the last one and Connie's from Hartwood Roses are the two to beat out. Good find, Toni!

  6. They're all beautiful! Good luck with your entry!

  7. Love that last picture! It was a great entry.

    Sorry I missed it earlier!


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