Diggin' in the Dirt Newsletter

Friday, April 15, 2011

What's Bloomin' - April 2011

Time for a look at what's bloomin' in my garden this April.

Welcome to my spring garden 

The Somnifera Poppies and Larkspur 
are taking center stage this month.

 Happy poppies make for happy bees :-)

Byzantine Glads 
make me...

glad :-)

'May Night' Salvia


California Poppies

'Bath's Pink' Dianthus


'Snow Hill' Salvia

Salvia Greggii



Bearded Iris are a pass-along plant from a friend

'Henry Duelberg' Salvia,

Ox-Eye Daisy,



Somnifera Poppies

'Augusta Duelberg' Salvia (white)

'Henry Duelberg' Salvia (blue)

Ox-Eye Daisies

Water iris blooming in the pond

Waterlilies in the pond
'Texas Gold' Columbine brighten my shady backyard

The Knock-Out Rose 
lives up to its name this month!
Annual dianthus braved the cold winter and 
returned for an encore performance this spring.

Visit Garden Bloggers Bloom Day 
to see what's bloomin' in other areas of the world.

Happy Bloom Day!

Toni :-)


  1. Hello Toni, your garden is gorgeous ! Just the way I like it. Congratulations !

  2. What a fabulous range of beautiful blooms. I just adored your Byzantine Gladiolus and Water Iris. Your garden is just as pretty as a picture!

  3. Toni, your garden is looking fabulous! I LOVE the California poppies and the Byzantine Glads. And what an amazing pond you have. I think this is the first time that I have seen a photo of it...the water lilies and iris are beautiful.

  4. I'd be a happy bee in your garden Toni. Lovely. I love poppies and have to get them back here. I had them in a prior garden and really miss having them. They are such a delight and look so pretty in amongst the Larkspur.

  5. Bodaciously beautiful. Happy Bloom Day

  6. Used to grow the yellow columbine in San Antonio, defiantly a favorite. I take it you like hot pink. Your pond area it superb.

  7. Gorgeous Toni! Your garden is a delight!

  8. That water feature is spectacular Toni. Almost makes me want one here on the arid prairie.

  9. wow you are growing water lilies!!! i love them specially the tropical ones are very suited to my climate. Great to see so many beautiful poppies in bloom.

  10. You have a beautiful garden! Thanks for sharing the pictures of all of your beautiful bloomers. I do love larkspur but so do the snails, but I am giving them one last try from the nursery six packs! Happy Blossom Day!

  11. WOW! I cant believe a garden looks so beautiful already! Thank you for all the beautiful colors! my garden is just waking up.. lots of green.. so its getting exciting! Enjoy yours! I enjoy your blog!!

  12. I love it all! But especially the poppies... and those glads! I still so not have any b. glads, though I have loved them since first seeing them in C. Lloyd's book/garden.

    Thanks for sharing your southern bounty!

  13. Those poppies are beautiful - and that pond view is gorgeous! So much blooming in your garden! The bees must be very happy indeed.

  14. Goodness! all those poppies are absolutely beautiful!!!!! xoxo, tracie

  15. The color on your Byzantine Glads is really nice. And your pond area is amazing - very nice. Happy GBBD!

  16. Your gardens are beautiful! Thank you for sharing all your lovely blooms. We are about a month behind you so the anticipation is building! Happy GBBD!

  17. Toni, love your pink poppies and plant combinations! I enjoy seeing other people's gives me great ideas for my own.

  18. Toni your garden is beautiful, I still can hardly believe that those of you so far south have so many spring flowers that here are summer flowers, my Oxeye Daisies are just coming through, I love seeing the longer views and seeing flowers in context thanks so much, Frances

  19. Toni your gardens are stunning...the colors make me so happy and envious...I can't wait to see mine eventually...I love the poppies...beautiful pink..

  20. Toni, you have an artist's eye for color combinations and plantings. The water iris is stunningly beautiful as are the glads and the poppies and......well, everything! Your garden is absolutely drop-dead gorgeous.

  21. Absolutely stunning!!! A belated happy Garden Blogger's Bloom Day!

  22. Toni, your garden is gorgeous! Such color! We've been so dry here in South Texas that there are virtually no wildflowers this year. So sad. But visiting your site gave me my wildflower fix! Thank you :)


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