Diggin' in the Dirt Newsletter

Thursday, June 16, 2011

What's Bloomin' - June 2011

The mild temperatures and early blooms of spring have gone by the wayside, but as the temps approach triple digits, a whole new set of flowers have stepped up for bloom duty.  

Here's a look at what's blooming in my garden this month.

The crape myrtles are in full bloom.

Containers are filled with...
  • Variegated Tapioca
  • Pink Pentas
  • Blue Daze

Summer Phlox (Phlox paniculata) and peach daylilies make a colorful and reliable combination.

Rose of Sharon  
(Hibiscus syriacus)

Texas Star Hibiscus  
(Hibiscus coccineus)

'King Humbert' Canna

Purple Coneflower

Summer Phlox

Pink Skullcap 
(Scutellaria suffrutescens)

 (Wedelia hispida) 

Zexmenia is one of my favorite plants.  It is a Texas native that blooms all summer long and just laughs at heat and drought.

'Carmine' Gerber Daisy 
(Garden Gerbera)  

This is a new addition to my garden.  This new variety of gerber daisy got rave reviews from the Dallas Arboretum in their trial gardens.

I just had to give it a try!

The front beds are full of color this month

  • Shasta Daisies
  • Summer Phlox
  • Cosmos
  • Salvia greggii
  • Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm'

More blooms in the front beds:

Russian Sage
Purple Coneflower
Summer Phlox
Mealycup Sage
Salvia Greggii
Shasta Daisy

Endless Summer Hydrangea 

This is a section of the new shade bed expansion in the backyard.  I'll post "before & after" pictures later to show you the transformation.

I know this looks more like a foliage picture, but my Bear's Breeches is actually blooming for the very first time.

Here's a closeup of the bloom stalk.

These peach daylilies area a pass-along plant from a friend of mine.

I don't know what variety they are, but I love them combined with the Russian Sage.

Finally, just a shot of some of my containers filled with...

Blue Daze
Pink Pentas
Perilla Magilla
Fern Leaf Tansy

Click here for other container ideas

I hope you enjoyed this month's tour of blooms in my garden.

Visit May Dreams Gardens to see what's bloomin' 
around the world.

Happy Garden Bloggers Bloom Day!

Toni :-)


  1. Fabulous stuff! Love your pots of Tapioca, Pentas and Evolvulus and that Peach Daylily/Russian Sage combination. Your garden beds are simply bursting with wonderful colour. The combinations of plants make it a feast for the eyes.

  2. Fantastic layout and great groupings! I love that variegated Tapioca, have been trying for a long time to find the Texas Star Hibiscus or it's seeds..You have showcased a lot of my favorites today.

  3. I too love your groupings. Your front bed is so soft and lush. I really like your containers too. That is one thing I am not doing much of this year. It is too much work to make and care for them this year, and it is something I will miss because I do like making them.

  4. @Bernie & Darla: Thanks for your kind comments. I love the Tapioca, too. I heard it can take "blistering, burning sun," and that is absolutely true. It is not even happy until is 100 degrees! Gotta love it :-)

    @GWGT: When I hurt my arm last year, I let all of my containers go -- just couldn't keep up with it all. So this spring when I was able to work again, I decided to go all out on the containers again. It is fun, but you're right, it can be a lot to keep up with. I water them in the evening which seems to help a lot. I think its an addiction -- I keep getting more containers!

  5. Toni, Everything looks wonderful! I was glad to see a post from you...:) Happy belated Bloom Day!

  6. Toni, your garden is amazing. And to think it can stand up to triple digit heat. The gerbera daisy is one I've never seen before. I never have any luck with them for some reason, so I'm looking forward to seeing how you like yours.

    You have an artistic eye for color and placement and landscaping, just perfect!

  7. Toni, Happy GBBD to you...what a variety you have and the gardens are just magnificent...I love those big containers too...

  8. Really beautiful color in your garden - those front beds are amazing. Really like the pot combinations too. Happy GBBD!

  9. Your garden is a rainbow of colors. It's so beautiful! I especially love your container combination with variegated tapioca, pentas, & blue daze. I miss seeing crape myrtles from my native Louisiana. Unfortunately they will not survive our zone 5. Hang in there with the heat. You've got a long summer ahead. Hopefully you'll get some relief.

  10. Hi Toni, everything looks amazing! I want my gardens to look like yours;-) Love your container arrangements, too!

  11. Wow, your garden and flowers are beautiful. I love all of the hibiscus and lilies. Hydrangeas are always a favorite in my garden. Your Bears Breeches is so pretty. I have been tempted to try one in my garden and pray it overwinters well. LOL!

  12. So beautiful...that photo with the Russian Sage, Coneflower and Phlox is my fave...stunning combination!

  13. I love all of your color combinations, especially the canna, coneflower, and phlox. Your crepe myrtles are just ahead of mine; I can only hope mine will be as spectacular as yours!

  14. Toni,

    I love the phlox and lily combo. So pretty!! I just purchased some John Fanick phlox. Planted it in the 100 degree heat. It hasn't wilted so that is a good thing:) Do you ever have problems with powdery mildew? Don't think I have to worry about it now, since we have no moisture;) Love seeing your posts.

  15. This was worth waiting for, Toni! I, too, love the purple phlox and peach daylily combination. My daisies are just about to come into bloom - they light up whatever they're around.

  16. Hi Toni... I envy your Acanthus... always thought it to be a really classy plant! Perhaps our climate has changed enough that I should consider experimenting with one of the cultivars as hardiness has always been my concern.

    Considering the heat you're experiencing, you certainly do have a lot of bloom and the garden looks fantastic... Larry


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