Diggin' in the Dirt Newsletter

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Short But Sweet

I woke this morning to the sound of thunder
How far off I sat and wondered
Started humming a song from 1962...
(Thank you, Bob Seger)

Then out in the yard there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear...


 (insert angels singing)

 Do you see the heart in the clouds?

The rain was very short, but very sweet.

And with a few clouds finally in the sky, I was able to get some beautiful early morning sky shots to link up with...

SkyWatch Friday

Also linking to Random Hearts for Guest Heart Thursday

Grateful in Grapevine...

Toni :-)


  1. Yes, I remember that feeling and the wonder of that sound. We lived in Paisley at the time and there had been a drought for months. Wells were going dry and farmers were in a panic.
    I hope you don't mind me sharing a link to my post about a drought, but I think it would be an encouragement.

  2. @Carol: Thank you for sending the link to your drought post! I loved the story. The Lord giveth and He taketh away, doesn't He? I was praising Him this morning for a little of the wet stuff. And no doubt, the day will come again when I will wish it would let up.

  3. Oh, that's Fantastic news! I'm glad you got at least a dust-settler shower if nothing else. Let's hope this is just the primer the pump needs to give Texas some relief from the incessant heat and nice showers.

    P.S. Love the Seger song.

  4. Hooray! Hooray!!! Prayers answered for you!! Love the Seger intro! :o) Hopefully, there will be more on the way.

  5. Thanks, Karen & TS! When I say "short," I mean the rain lasted no more than 5 minutes. But, hey, we'll take every drop we can get :-)

  6. I've been following your blog for only a small while (and I LOVE it by the way) but today when I saw you got rain my heart jumped for joy for you! That is WoNdErFuL!! :)

  7. Beautiful photos to celebrate the joys of nature, lovely views of the light poking through the clouds too

  8. Looks like the clouds are just as happy as you are! :))

  9. Glorious skies! I love the rain shot too.

    Happy sky watching.

    Liz @ A Simple Life

  10. I always love to capture the Sun's Rays bursting forth from above the clouds.
    Great Captures.

  11. Hooray! I hope more will soon be coming. Wonderful sky shots, full of promise and inspiration.

  12. Love that last shot!

    <a href=" Skywatch</a>, have a great weekend ahead!

  13. So glad you got some rain, too! Yes, I heard the angels singing!

  14. Cracking sky shots!..... we generally get too much rain and find it difficult to understand your pain at the lack of!....... we just hope you get more of what you wish for!....:)

  15. Toni,
    Very cute. I share your delight!!!

  16. The shots of the sun beams coming from the clouds are glorious, but my heart really sang at the shot of the raindrops on the pavement! Congratulations!

  17. Rain here too, Toni. Wonderful Friday sky shots.

  18. Wasn't it wonderful? Even though it was brief... I'm very appreciative.

  19. So beautiful...loved that heart shaped break in the clouds with the sunlight streaming through! You should add it to Guest Heart Thursday ( They would love to see it!

  20. PS: I know what you mean about rain. It looked like we might get some here yesterday, but no... I'd love a little shower to cause a break in the heat.

  21. Hooray!! I understand your excitement, it's been one of the hottest, driest summers that I can remember... I love the photo of the raindrops on the deck :)

  22. Thankful with you for rain! What a glorious sky! So glad you stopped by to say hi at Garden Sense. I've missed my blogging friends.

  23. Ah, yes. We are grateful for every bit of rain this dry summer. But you got angels! And hearts! And amazing cloud shadows, too. Lovely.

  24. wow. what amazing skies.
    Im glad you took these shots. and a stunning heart there.

  25. I'm so glad you got a little rain! We had a huge thunderstorm move through this morning - woke me up even. But alas ... no rain hit here. But the fireworks display was awesome.

    When I scrolled down to the heart, I got goosebumps! How absolutely stunning!!! My mom always called those sun rays "glory light" - how wonderful to have captured a "glory light heart!" I am so glad you linked up with Guest Heart Thursday!

  26. Lovely shots, I could see the heart too. I guess you have been praying for rain, specially since you took a photo of it! Right now it is pouring down here, in stair rods, a real 'soaking in' rain, and our local rivers will be up tomorrow.

  27. How awesome the heart is! It makes us appreciate the rain even more when is does come!Fabulous shots!

  28. Thanks for stopping by my corner of Katy! I'm glad you got some rain at last. Is it wrong for us to hope for a nice tropical storm?

  29. Yippee ki-yi-yay! Wonderful!!!!

  30. Glad you got a spot of rain. It was a wonderful thing to hear the sound of distant thunder, knowing rain was somewhere in the area. Thanks for the tunes, I will be humming the "Beat Goes On". I did see Sonny and Cher show back in the day.

  31. Here's a plant that I think might be Texas-proof:

    I saw this and thought of your garden. :o)

  32. All it took were the words "desert hot dry rattlesnake" for me to think of all the Texas bloggers! I ordered some, too. The belladonna bulbs I saw at out local garden center were so small. I hope they're as big as the website advertised. I'm so glad this was helpful to you. Happy!!

  33. Loved the cloud shots. When the kids were younger and we saw clouds like that I told them they were "There is a God Clouds". Because how could one view a scene like that and think everything came from a big bang and not the hand of the Lord.

    I even had a member in my church who sent me a beautiful print and frame of similar clouds. She heard of my description and painted on the frame "There is a God". Very sweet, don't you think?

  34. We've generally had enough rain this summer, but normally I am begging for rain all summer. So each rain storm makes me happy too!

  35. The shots of the sun beams coming from the clouds are glorious, Glad you got a spot of rain. It was a wonderful thing to hear the sound of distant thunder, knowing rain was somewhere in the area.


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