Diggin' in the Dirt Newsletter

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Countdown to Showtime

I have some exciting news....

My garden will be featured on a public tour on Sunday, May 6.   
Just 4 weeks from today.

For more information, click here

Now I better get busy.   There's weeds to be pulled, beds to be mulched, container gardens to plant, and... and... and...

It will be the most fun day!   It is such a blessing to have the opportunity to share my little plot of God's creation with so many wonderful people who share my passion for gardening.

You're all invited!

Toni :-)


  1. How exciting Toni... your visitors are in for a real treat!. Things aren't going quite so well up here... most of the magnolias have frozen blooms and more cold coming our way which could cause problems for the rest of the spring flowering trees that are starting to bloom. I'm past the concerned period and into the resignation period as it were. What will be, will be. I guess we are lucky overall as I've never experienced this sort of weather before, nor have I had severe damage to the magnolia bloom other than the occasional tree in the past. My big concern now is the japanese maples and I am covering them as best I can. Good luck with your preps and it's always good to have a goal to work towards in the garden... these tours are truly wonderful experiences and a real cause for everything to be at its best! Larry

    1. Hi Larry,
      Oh, no! I'm so sorry to hear your magnolia blooms have been hurt by the cold! I think that would make me cry. You have so many beautiful trees and have waited all year for this time. How disappointing! But we are not in control for sure, and all we can do is minimize the losses and turn our attention to the next round of blooms. I am thankful that we did not go through a late freeze after our unusually warm winter, but I fear that our summer will be all the hotter. Just have to take it as it comes. Yes, having a garden tour is the motivator of all motivators to get projects finished. I'm adding iron arbors over gates, a bridge over the dry creek, added even more container plantings -- I must be crazy! Our mild winter allowed me to get lots done early, so I just have minor details to finish now -- well, minor as in getting 80 containers planted and 100 bags of mulch down, but who's counting :-)

  2. I don't know whether to congratulate you or offer my condolences; Personally I'd be stressed out at trying to get my garden into a decent state so early...

    (We've scheduled our annual summer party for the first weekend in August, so that's when I need my garden to be in perfect nick, and that gives me a somewhat longer deadline, yet I'm still feeling under pressure...)

    1. Thanks for visiting, Soren. Oh, no need for condolences! I am totally excited about being on the tour! Since we had such a mild winter this year, I was able to get a lot of projects done in December and January. All of the pruning was done in February. So now all I have to do is finish my container plantings and mulch. And then pull the bazillion little elm seedlings that are sprouting everywhere. But I have a month -- well, 3 weeks and 5 days now :-)

  3. That is so exciting!! I agree with Soren, I would be so stressed out but if you can handle that then good for you. ;) I wish I lived closer I would love to take a tour in person of your beautiful gardens! Good luck!

    1. I'll have to walk my garden and take pictures as though I am on tour and then post the pictures, so you can take the tour with me :-)

  4. How exciting! And, scary!!
    I hope you take us far away watchers, along on the tour. And, if time permits, the 'getting ready' process.

    Good luck.

  5. How exciting! Oh, good luck! I hope the weather is perfect that day. I know the visitors will be impressed with your garden. How nice of you to invite us along!

    1. Oh, perfect weather would be icing on the cake for sure :-) Not in control of that, though, so just praying for the best. You live in my area, I think, so please do come if you are free that day! I'd love to meet you.

  6. I just found your blog by chance, and was looking for a way to contact you to get a tour and found this!!! I have it on my calendar!!! I Hope I can make it!!! LOVE your garden style! Cannot wait to meet you! *I must live about 5-7 miles away!!!

    1. Oh, how cool! Yes, please do come! Looking forward to meeting you. If you want to see the poppies blooming now, email me at and I'll give you my address. I'm afraid the poppies will be done in a month, but I'll have lots of perennials taking over by then. The poppies bloom for just a short time and they are really early this year.

  7. Toni how fabulous. Congrats and I wish I could be there!!

  8. I always plan on someday being on a garden tour when my garden is perfect, but that day never comes, and I wind up moving on. Now I have so much to do that it really will be impossible for me.

    Glad for you though.

    1. Oh, you have to just "go for it!" Your garden will never be perfect and neither will mine. But I will say that being on the tour is a great motivator for getting projects done -- and I'll keep striving for that elusive perfection.

  9. Toni, WOW! Those visitors are SO lucky. I’m sure your garden looks even better in person, than photos.

    1. I'm always afraid that people will be disappointed in person after seeing pictures. For some reason, pictures make gardens look bigger than what they are. We have about a half acre, but I just think pics make it look even larger. I'm just happy to share my matter the size :-)

  10. Darn! I, too, wish I lived closer! I only get to see your gardens virtually, but maybe someday... Good luck, and I'm sure it will be a wonderful day no matter what. Cheers!

  11. Very cool...may your tour go well, and that you're protected from that severe weather you all get. is only 90 minutes on SW Air to Love Field:-) Nawww, better not...

  12. Oh wow! What an honor! I wish I could be there to see the beauty in person. :o) I'm glad the tornadoes missed you.

  13. I wish I could come because I know I would love it. Very nice your garden is featured, a great honor. Congrats.

  14. Good luck with the tour! I used to go on the Hospice fundraiser Garden Tour in Walla Walla, WA every year and loved getting ideas from all the different yards. Haven't heard of a similar one here (Boise, ID) since we moved here. I'll have to see what I can find. We have a neighborhood potluck at our place this weekend, expecting about 20-30 people, many who we don't know. So while it's on a much smaller scale than a public tour, I still have the same feelings I suspect you do of wanting to have everything in order in the gardens and no idea how I'll get it all done. Happy hosting!

  15. Hi Toni! I am in Richardson and would love to visit your garden on the tour! I just discovered your blog today! My mother-in-law is also an avid gardener (in Ohio). Her gardens were featured on a local tour last year. I am enjoying your ideas for our Texas landscape. Your potting ideas are awesome!


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