Diggin' in the Dirt Newsletter

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lovely Leaves

This is the view from my living room window.

The leaves of the 'Bloodgood' Japanese Maple are just starting to turn.
The autumn leaves glowing in the afternoon sunlight frame the view beyond.

Yesterday I shared pictures of some of the plants still blooming
in my garden this late in the season.
(See What's Bloomin' - November '10

Today I just want to share some lovely leaves...
  foliage, that is, fabulous foliage :-) 

Blooms can be fleeting, but foliage adds enduring
interest, texture, contrast, and color.

Here are some of the other lovely leaves in my garden.

Variegated Turk's Cap contrasts nicely with the glossy dark green foliage of the Japanese Holly Fern.

Variegated Hydrangea brightens up a shady corner, 
set off once again by the Holly Fern as well as Wood Fern

The king of glossy green foliage in my garden is the D.D. Blanchard Magnolia.  

Planted as a 30-gallon container grown tree, this tree now stands close to 
50 feet tall!   

The undersides of the leaves are copper colored adding even more interest.

Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nana'

From the largest to the smallest, this is a preview of my latest project.   I just had a new flagstone walkway installed, and now I am in the process of planting dwarf mondo in between all of the flagstones.

So far we have planted 720 4-inch pots of mondo.   I have roughly 450 to go!

This project has been in the design stage for almost two years now.   It is so exciting to see it finally coming to life!  

One of the few (if not the only) Junipers that I like is this one called 'Blue Pacific' Juniperus conferta.  

I have it planted on the back side of my pond.  It is low growing and wide spreading.  I like it because of its blue-green soft evergreen foliage.

Contrasting textures:   
The soft gray-green foliage of the sedum in the background and the smooth gray foliage of graptopetalum in the foreground.

The Oak Leaf Hydrangea is beginning to show signs of fall color.

'Red Emperor'

The Japanese Maples are just beginning to show some fall color.  
It is usually December in my Zone 7/8 garden before they are transformed
into the reds, oranges, and yellows of autumn.

'Sango Kaku' - Coral Bark

The 'Texas Gold' Columbine foliage has finally perked up after a hot, dry summer.  

Even through the cold winter months, the soft gray-green foliage gives hope of spring blooms to come :-)

For links to some other sites displaying fabulous foliage, 
visit the Foliage Follow-Up  post at Digging.

As winter draws near and the blooms start to fade, 
I hope you are enjoying the lovely leaves in your garden.

Until next time...

Toni :-)


  1. Thanks for another cool blog to follow! The living room view and the mondo grass in the flagstone gaps are my favorites. Odd, but I never think to use that plant in that context.

  2. What a beautiful first image, with the golden leaves contrasting with the silver perennials in the background. I really like your new path with the mondo grass too. Lots of great foliage in your garden. Thanks for joining in!

  3. What a gorgeous view from your window! Your foliage is lovely and I love your flagstone pathway.

  4. Very nice post! so much beautiful foliage.
    My maple is also starting to turn, so far it has one red leaf

  5. Wow! What a gorgeous view from your window! I am so jealous of gardeners who can grow Japanese maples! I love your pathway with the mondo grass. We've got a similar project going on our southside, though not as fancy as a properly laid flagstone pathway. We're a year-deep so far, and it seems we'll never get it done.

  6. Lovely foliage . . . I especially love the shot from your living room window. Beautiful! ;>)

  7. Toni, you have a fantastic view from your window. Love the flagstone path, too! All the leaves are so pretty; my favorite of all is the oak leaf hydrangea, that splash of red is amazing.

  8. The flagstone walkway is gorgeous!

  9. Oooo...Variegated Turk's Cap! I'm thinking that looks like something my garden needs. And 720 planted with 450 to go!!! Holy moley. Makes my knuckles and knees ache just considering it.

  10. @DesertDweller: Thanks for following! Yes, the dwarf mondo is great between flagstone in the shade.

    @Pam/Digging: Thanks for hosting the Foliage Follow-Up!

    @Karin: Thanks for stopping by! The flagstone picture is just a sneak preview. I plan to post about it when all of the mondo is planted. It turned out gorgeous!! I had planned to build it myself until I hurt my arm. I even got a stone saw cutter for Christmas specifically to do this project. But I ended up hiring it out and am very pleased with the result!! So stay tuned for more :-)

    @fer: Thanks for your comment! A few more weeks and the maples should be really showing color! I have 20 maples in my backyard and plans to add more :-)

    @Floridagirl: I was wondering if I'd ever get my project done, too, especially after I hurt my arm -- everything was on hold. After giving it some long thought, I decided hiring it out was cheaper than surgery, so I gave it up. So hard to do for a gardener who likes to do everything!! But I LOVE the finished product! Select flagstone was used, huge pieces. Gorgeous work by the stone guys!

    @Carol: Thanks so much for visiting and leaving your nice comment!

    @Karen: I love the Oak Leaf Hydrangeas, too. 'Alice' is a great variety. Beautiful blooms in the spring and colorful foliage in the fall -- lot of bang for the buck :-)

    @queerbychoice: Thanks!! Please stay tuned for further posts about the walkway. When I finish the mondo and finish the expanded beds beside the walkway, I'll do a post about the whole project. I had a design epiphany a couple years ago while I was standing in my backyard, drew out the plan, and I've been waiting for the time to start the project. Started it this spring, but then hurt my arm and the project went on hold till now. Just trying to be patient through it all.

    @RBell: The variegated turk's cap can revert back to solid green if the solid green growth is not kept cut off. Easy to do, though. On the first 30 flats of mondo, I traded out services with a client -- my consulting for her hard labor. Then my husband (much to his chagrin) helped me plant another 10 flats. I have 25 more flats waiting to be planted. I will have to hire that out now because my husband dreads doing any more of it, and I've used up all my consulting/labor trade. And my arm is still on the mend, so no work for me. Bwaaaaahhh!!!

  11. Gorgeous leaves! I love the way the reds and golds of fall contrast with the blues and grays of other foliage. I love your stone walkway. I think the mondo grass will be fabulous.

  12. Oooh... that view from your window!!!! LOVE it!

  13. Hi Toni, Not sure if you'd see my response on my blog but wanted to tell you the J. maple was labeled simply 'Red Japanese maple'. I buy most of mine like this and sometimes I luck out. I too have the Sango Kaku. Love it! Orange Dream is a new one but sounds ever so sweet! That variegated Turks cap is so awesome!


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