Diggin' in the Dirt Newsletter

Monday, November 15, 2010

What's Bloomin' - November '10


Here's a look at what's blooming in my garden this November.
The chrysanthemums (a/k/a "Aggie Mums") 
are in full bloom this month

The mums pair nicely with the Salvia Greggii and Russian Sage that have been blooming all summer

The bright yellow blooms of the Ligularia (Farfugium) brighten up the shade garden this time of year

Black Fountain Grass  (Pennisetum 'Moudry') and the last few blooms of Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' make a nice combination
 Here's another yellow fall bloomer, 
Forsythia Sage 
(Salvia madrensis)

 Salvia coccinea 'Coral Nymph' has bloomed nonstop all summer and now into the fall


If you want to attract bees 
to your garden 
(and lots of them), 
'African Blue' Basil 
is the one to plant! 

Mexican Mint Marigold 
(a/k/a Texas Tarragon) 
is in full bloom now. 

I can't walk down these steps beside it without running my hands over the foliage to release its fragrance. 

Black & Blue Salvia 
(Salvia guaranitica) 
is putting on another flush of blooms late in the season

Not quite a "bloom" per se, but I'm just so excited to have a crop of fall tomatoes!  Hopefully they will start to ripen before the first freeze comes to visit.

I will watch the weather every day and if a freeze is predicted, I will pick the green tomatoes and then wrap them in newspaper and set them aside in a cool room to ripen.   It works!

And looking more like ripe red tomatoes are the seed pods of Turk's Cap
  (Malvaviscus arboreus)

The 'Espa Spath' Clematis is blooming very late into the season this year

A bloom of sorts, albeit not very showy, is on the  
Cyperus (umbrella plant) 
that grows in my pond

 And last, but not least, are the fading blooms of  
'Rose Creek' Abelia

If you'd like to see what's blooming in other gardens across the country, check out the Garden Bloggers Bloom Day hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.

And I hope you stop in again tomorrow 
for my "Fabulous Foliage" post.

Until next time...
Enjoy what may be the last of this season's blooms 
as winter approaches

Toni :-)


  1. You have some wonderful GBBD blooms. I especially like the black fountain grass image. the lighting is so beautiful in the image.

  2. I think my favorite was the salvia greggii/mums/russian sage combo. Great color and form! I also am quite fond of the blue of salvia guaranitica, but it is, alas, an annual here...mostly...I had it return once three years running but it finally petered out.

  3. Wow, you've got quite a lot blooming this Bloom Day. Wonderful color.

  4. Looks like autumn is prime time for gardening in Grapevine! That abelia is sweet with the purple clover.

  5. Beautiful post...I especially love the shot of the mums with the salvia and russian sage...what a beautiful combo! The Moudry fountain grass with the Rudbeckia is also lovely!

  6. What pretty combos you have posted! Love those bright pinks against the Russian Sage, and the Rudbeckias against the fountain grass. Just lovely!

  7. Impressed with all you still have blooming! The clematis is stunning.

  8. @gardenwalk: Thanks for stopping by. I love the way the light catches the 'Moudry' grass as well! One of these days I'll get a better camera so the pictures are a little clearer.
    @ProfRoush: Salvia greggii is my favorite perennial, so pretty much anything I pair it with is a winner in my book :-) Glad you liked the combo! I tend to use the salvia guaranitica in shadier spots because it still blooms quite a bit. It is definitely perennial here and even travels a bit so there are usually free transplants every year. Can't beat that!
    @Birdwoman: Thank you for visiting my blog!! Yes, still quite a bit of color going on this November.
    @Cyndy: Grapevine is Zone 7b/8a, so until we get a freeze the blooms keep coming. Our first average freeze in Nov. 17, but it usually seems to come in early to mid December. I do love the 'Rose Creek' Abelia, too. It's a smaller variety with white blooms that turn pinkish as they age. Seems to appreciate some shade, too.
    @Scott: Thank you, too, for visiting! Grasses and Greggii -- easy to pair with other plants for great combos!
    @GardenSense: The clematis is surprising me. It usually doesn't bloom this late in the season. It blooms more in the spring, but I'll take whatever it wants to give this fall :-) Thanks for stopping by!

    I appreciate all of your kind comments!!!

  9. Lovely photos. I especially like the Fountain Grass/Rudbeckia one.

  10. My daughter just bought the Rose Creek. I had no idea what the blooms look like but they are most beautiful! You have a lot still going strong.


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