Diggin' in the Dirt Newsletter

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What's Bloomin' - March 2011

As I scanned my garden this month to see what's blooming, instead of taking the usual photo of the blooms, I thought I'd use a technique I learned last year for "taking pictures" of flowers without using a camera.

I call it garden scanning.   Click here to learn how.

Here's a scan of what's blooming in my garden this March.

'Ice Follies' Daffodils (Narcissus 'Ice Follies')
Lenten Rose (Hellebore)
Creeping Pholox (Phlox subulata)
Purple Oxalis (Oxalis triangularis)
Louisiana Phlox (Phlox divaricata)
Wood Violet (Viola papilionacea)
Grape Hyacinth (Muscari)
'Oklahoma' Redbud (Cercis reniformis 'Oklahoma')
'Georgia Blue' Veronica (Veronica peduncularis 'Georgia Blue')

*  *  * 
As I look at these blooms, I can't help but think of some of the words to a hymn we sang in church last Sunday...

"Lord, how Thy wonders are displayed, where’er I turn my eye"

"There’s not a plant or flower below, but makes Thy glories known"

*  *  *
If you'd like to see garden scans from previous months, click here

Here are a few more photos of what's blooming in my garden...

'Fire Dragon' Shantung Maple
is not just known for its
fall color.

Tiny yellow blooms add spring color, as well.

The delicate white blooms of 
Summer Snowflake
(Leucojum aestivum)
take a spring bow.

'Mellow Yellow' Spiraea is covered with tiny white blooms in early spring, followed by bright chartreuse foliage.

And one more shot of the Lenten Rose.

To see more blooms from around the world,
visit May Dreams Gardens for
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day

What wonders are displayed in your garden this month?

Toni :-)


  1. The scan is too cool-great arrangement! Thanks for sharing and have a great GBBD :)

  2. Love the idea of the scan, lovely subtle colours. Have a great bloomday! Christina

  3. It's a busy/fun time of the your scanned bouquet.

  4. Great stuff blooming in your garden! I love those snowdrops and hellebore. I don't think I could ever have enough hellebore!

  5. What a great idea for GBBD, love the scan. :)

  6. Beautiful photos! I love the "Snowdrop"! Cool idea~~scanning your garden blooms:)

  7. Your springtime garden scan is lovely. I read about the technique on Gardening Gone Wild, but never got around to giving it a go. Happy GBBD!

  8. Really pretty scan Toni. I like this idea for GBBD. Your arrangment will live on in image, long after the flowers fade.

  9. just gorgeous and I love the scan...will check it out some more

  10. Toni,
    What a neat scan idea! I love that!
    And such sweet spring flowers...thank you for sharing.

  11. Your scan is gorgeous Toni! I enjoyed looking at all the detail of it and finding the corresponding flower in your list. Happy spring!

  12. Your scan is a beautiful arrangement.

  13. Great scanner photography Toni! I see you haven't forgotten how!

  14. Wow very pretty flowers. I love the scanner arrangement

  15. Very nice flower scan - pretty arrangement. Snowdrops and Lenten Rose are two plant varieties I'd like to try more of in my garden.

  16. Hello Tony,
    This is the first time I see such a gardenscan and I love it. It's fabulous. I'll try it myself as soon as possible.
    Very happy to meet you through GBBD.
    Greetings from Belgium !

  17. Your floral scan is just gorgeous. It reminds me of those early Dutch and Flemish floral still life paintings! Thanks for sharing the technique..if my scanner ever works again, I will give it a try!

  18. So envious you have blossoms to scan... they are gorgeous. At least our snow is melted. For now. I do have a bloom in my window for GBBD.

  19. Like that scan! How creative! Looks like you have a lot already blooming in your garden. Spring is here!

  20. Wow, that is absolutely beautiful! What a great idea. I especially like the scan with the black behind the blooms -- it looks so dramatic. Great entry for GBBD!

  21. Something new to scanning! I used to have lots of pressed flowers arrangement when I was a kid, now is the new version of it, amazing! Lovely blooms you have in your garden. Happy Blooms Day!

  22. scanned flowers! what a great idea and they look fabulous too. Like a beautiful bouquet of spring!

  23. I love the scanned flower photo! I don't own a scanner, but this will give me an excuse to buy one. There are numerous creative possibilities with this medium.

  24. The scanned photo is beautiful! Thanks for the link to the how to! I just bought the 'Ogon/Mellow Yellow' spirea and the bloom and fragrance is delicious! gail

  25. Your scans are incredible Toni! I've got Columnbine just budding up! Love them so much. Now if the sun would come out all would be right with the world!


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