Diggin' in the Dirt Newsletter

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Alphabet Jumps to June (M, N, O)

Another alphabet installment as June draws to a close....

is for Mahonia 'Soft Caress'

 One of my new favorite plants!!

I love this new soft variety of Mahonia for shady spots! 
I've added several to my garden this month.

*  *  *
is for Nesting

For several years now Mallard Ducks have nested in our front flower bed.


And this spring Mourning Doves nested in hanging baskets 
on our side porch and back porch

is for Orange

I do not use a lot of orange in my landscape,
but reseeding Cosmos adds a punch of color here and there in the garden.

The bees seem to enjoy it :-)

'Aztec Gold' Daylily
is a reblooming variety that adds another touch of orange

And the orange-tipped Mexican Butterfly Weed (Asclepias curassavica)
attracts orange Monarchs in the fall.

As the alphabet journey continues to July,
stay tuned for "P," deserving of a post all its own.

For previous garden alphabet posts, click the letters below:

Until next time...

Toni :-)


  1. You have ducks in your garden??? Incredible! I love orange and other hot colors. But I love ducks more than I love orange...! You are so lucky!!

  2. What beautiful, bright blooms you have in your garden. I love the ducks! And I can see why the Mahonia is one of your favorites. Looking forward to the rest of the alphabet!

  3. @CasaMariposa: Yes, Ducks!! I feel so honored that they choose my garden every year to nest :-) My neighbors always manage to see the ducklings when they leave the nest, but I have yet to witness the exodus (other than seeing the pictures that my neighbor took). One year there were 12 eggs and a critter destroyed them :-( Mamma Duck is very bold. I was standing on the sidewalk the other day and she just walked right by me and into the nest like I wasn't there.

    @PlantPostings: Thanks for visiting! I've never been much of a fan of the Leatherleaf Mahonia, but this new 'Soft Caress' is a winner.

  4. Toni, you have ducks in your garden? Amazing! They must swim in your lovely pond. All I have is lowly chickens, lol.

    I am really enjoying the alphabetical tour of your gorgeous garden. We are getting warm here, up to 95 today and this old woman is starting to melt.

    Thank you for the wonderful comment on my blog, I miss the cows more than I can say. It was another time too soon lost.

    I hope you have a fun, safe weekend!


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