Diggin' in the Dirt Newsletter

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Sound of a Texas Summer

Ah, the sound of a Texas summer
when the cicadas start to singin'
The cacophony of buzzing
just sets your ears a ringin'

When the skeeters start to biting
and the temps begin to swelter
I have no choice but to endure
or just go seek some shelter!

We look forward to our summers
when we can live with ease
Though one request that we would have...
is just a little breeze :-)

The phlox have started drooping...

The hydrangeas are a sagging :-(

With plants that look as sad as that,
I must curtail my bragging!

Yet still I see some hopeful blooms
as I look among my flowers
They defy the triple digits
and laugh at lack of showers

In winter we wish for spring
In summer we long for fall
But any time that we can garden
is our favorite season of all

(by Toni @ Signature Gardens)

Happy Summer!

Y'all stay cool now, ya hear ...

Toni :-)


  1. Toni, I love your poem! 100+ degrees?? Oh, my, and we were sweltering here in the high 80's--for you that would feel like a cold front, wouldn't it? Some of your flowers can certainly stand up to the heat, but the poor hydrangeas look like I do today, wilted.

    Your garden is so gorgeous, the pathway is really starting to fill in, too. I just reread your poem again, you are so talented!

  2. Toni, I can hear them up here...108 yesterday 107 today.

  3. A tad warm (80's with 75 dew point) here and no rain in 16 days... guess I shouldn't complain though! Larry

  4. We've been blessed so far with plenty of rain but now it is starting to get dry and hot.
    I had the air conditioner on today and then noticed a window not closed. I went near it and it felt like I was approaching a hot oven. I told my husband it felt like Texas weather today, but then I read the comment on your blog about 108 weather!

    Love your flowers, but today I'm sure glad I live in Canada.

  5. Clever poem Toni! You're a good writer! My perennial hibiscus looks droopy like your hydrangea every afternoon...but like you, I find lots of pleasure in the black eyed Susans...I thank God for them. I think you guys have been hotter than us the last few days...hope you get some relief soon. We had some storms around this afternoon - no rain but it at least cooled things down a bit and there was a nice breeze.

  6. @Karen: Yes, 80 degrees would feel wonderful about right now! The hydrangea usually recovers by morning. It was transplanted this early summer, so hopefully next year it will do better. Poor thing! I do "feel its pain" sometimes, though!

    @Greggo: My truck thermometer said 110 on Friday. The cidacas were deafening! I remember growing up in Wisconsin. We knew it was hot when we heard ONE cidada in the middle of July. Ha!

    @Larry: I know that even though y'all are cooler, it can feel more humid. Your gardens sure don't look to be suffering from the lack of rain, though!

    @Carol: I remember our visit to Canada in July one year -- it was a breath of fresh air -- nice and cool!! It's all relative :-) Thanks for visiting my blog. I enjoy reading yours!

    @Hi Cat! These rhymes just pop out of me every now and then :-) Silly. Can't help myself! I just saw an updated drought map today -- it's getting worse throughout the state. We'll all be dancing in the rain when it comes -- it will come...someday.

  7. Sounds pretty much the same as our north Queensland summer, including the relentless cicada song. Although, I have to say you your grass is way too green compared to ours in mid-summer. Your garden is looking decidedly lush too ... just lovely.

  8. Love your poem. I thought you would hear crunching outside from crispy plants with those temps, but your garden looks great. No problem if you want to brag a bit, you deserve to do so, just lovely.

  9. Your garden still looks very pretty! Love the last line - But any time that we can garden is our favorite season of all! How true! I, too, thought the sound of crunching grass beneath your feet would be the sound you were going to talk about! ;0

  10. Cute!

    May you be able to enjoy a nice cool drink in your garden in the morning & take in the bright colors through the window in the afternoon :)


  11. Hi Toni. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your garden looks great, even with a little wilting. Of course, everything wilts a little at this time of year in Texas, including the gardeners!

  12. Fun poem! How true that we are always wishing for another day or season! You have a lot of color in your summer garden, and your gardens look gorgeous, with many plants quite happy with the weather.

  13. Now the question long did it take you to come up with that poem? I loved it! and your gardens too! :) Your path is especially gorgeous.

  14. Bahahaha! The word verification I got on my last comment was "colder!" Isn't that appropriate! :)

  15. Toni, Visiting by way of Larry's blog. Your garden path and seating area are lovely and your bed in the last photo looks lush and colorful - stunning! I like your photo of the cicada shell on the tree!

  16. Cute poem! We've been super hot this week but were blessed with a storm last night that soaked my garden and filled my barrels. Everytime I see a picture of your garden design, I drool. I wish I had that much space!

  17. Lovely, except for the wilted hydrangea. They do expect an ocean of water, don't they? Your gardens are stunning. I looked at the winter views, too.

    Texas Superstars make my midsummer garden. If they thrive in all of Texas, they thrive here.

  18. You're the best Toni!!! When's the book coming out???


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