Diggin' in the Dirt Newsletter

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Alphabet's Journey to July (P)

And we continue our journey through the garden alphabet...

I have so many pink flowers that I decided to devote this post to just one letter, so without further ado...

is for Pretty in Pink

Summer Phlox (Phlox paniculata) top the list as they are in profuse bloom
(when they are not drooping from heat exhaustion!)

Another Phlox, called 'John Fanick,' is a variety found by Greg Grant at a home in San Antonio.  It is designated a Texas Superstar because of its mildew resistance and heat tolerance (which is certainly being put to the test with these triple digits lately!)

Hydrangeas are pink in our alkaline soils

Crape Myrtles lift pink up to about 15 feet

And pink Katie's Ruellia grows only to about 3 inches tall

Salvia greggii saves its best show for autumn...
but doesn't disappoint this month

Loosestrife puts on its best show in the heat of the summer

Purple Coneflowers are always happy to pose for a picture
(I don't know why they are called "purple," because they sure look pink to me)

And finally, Pentas, Begonias, and Caladiums add pink
to my container plantings this summer

Wow, that's a lot of pink!

Please come back on the 15th for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day so I can show you the other colors I've got blooming in my garden this month ...

and maybe just a little bit more pink :-)

To view previous alphabet posts, click on the letters below

Happy gardening in God's colorful creation...

Toni :-)


  1. Toni, this is one beautifully pink post! I love all the flowers you have on display here, pink is one of my favorite colors in the garden. The crepe myrtle is amazing and I'll have to check into the phlox you mentioned, I've never had luck with them as they love to mildew for me.

  2. Gorgeous!! Your container planting with the caladium is fantastic!

  3. Your flowers are beautiful!! I'm so envious (in a kind way :) It's So Hot and SO Dry here, that virtually nothing is blooming! Thank you for the walk through your lovely garden. I, too, love the purple (pink ;) coneflower. When the wildflowers do bloom on my property, I have many of these. They always make me smile :)

  4. All the best pink things, lovely.

    I think you'll enjoy Callaway Gardens, lots of pretty flowers to see indoors and out. The butterfly house is interesting, but outside the native butterflies flock to the plantings at most times of the year.

    Everywhere you are visiting is north of me. You'll be above the gnat line, which is a blessing.

  5. I love pink and have lots of it in my garden, including pink hydrangeas and phlox. :o) What is the name of the iris in your pond picture? It looks like an iris I bought!

  6. Wow! It's a good thing I know I can't grow the crepe myrtle here or I would be wondering how to squeeze one into my tiny plot.

  7. Toni: Your garden is definitely pretty in pink! And the complementary oranges and bright yellows are so pleasing to the eye!

  8. I love phlox in general, but the pinks are lovely. Mine are white. Your pink selections are varied and the Caladium arrangements are beautiful. I will be back for GBBD. Looks like you have a lot to show.

  9. You can never have too many varieties of phlox or too much pink in the garden. I love the Crape Myrtles. I wish they were hardy here.


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