Diggin' in the Dirt Newsletter

Friday, July 15, 2011

What's Bloomin' - July 2011

Here's a look at what's bloomin' in my garden this month... 

Enjoy the tour...

This violet Salvia greggii has been a bit of a disappointment in years past, but this month it seems to be making up for lost time!

A collection of...

Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' 
Summer Phlox
Salvia greggii (pink)
'Henry Duelberg' Salvia
Holy Basil
Shasta Daisy

'Becky' Shasta Daisy

Hayrack filled with:
Dragonwing Begonias
Purple Angelonia
Creeping Jenny

This next plant was given to me by a friend, and it has turned out to be one of my favorites!  This picture does not do it justice.  It blooms nonstop from spring to frost, handles the hottest temps, attracts butterflies and bees.  It goes dormant in the winter, but even after the deep freezes and snow last winter, it bounced right back in the spring.

'Azure Skies' Heliotrope

Another photo of 'Henry Duelberg' Salvia. 
I think 'Henry' shows up in almost every Bloom Day post
because it is almost always in bloom!

The bumble bees like it

And so does this little one

 Mexican Milkweed...

...waiting on Monarchs

And here comes the Pink again...

Knock-Out Rose
'Rosa Radrazz'

If you want to see more pink, click here

Holy Basil

I wish you could smell this through the computer! 



It also is a reseeding annual and filler of blank spaces :-)

Some annual color in containers...
Torenia 'Summer Wave Bouquet Deep Rose'
 Sweet Potato Vine 'Midnight Lace'
Caladiums 'Carolyn Whorton' & 'Red Flash'

Formerly a flower...

Yellow Pear Tomatoes :-)

A few more annuals...

Angelonia (Serena series)

'Cora' Vinca

Note:  The 'Cora' variety of periwinkles is resistant to Aerial Phytophthora fungus.  

Click here to learn more 

And some 'Cora' Vinca with Melampodium

Both the vinca and melampodium are annuals that reseed in my garden each year and fill in any blank spots between the perennials.
And finally a few parting shots of the front perennial beds...

Happy Garden Bloggers Bloom Day!

Visit Carol and May Dreams Gardens 
to see what's bloomin' all over the world!

Toni :-)


  1. Your perennial beds are so full, lush, and bloom-ful! I like the profusion of purples and yellows...very beautiful!

  2. I love that variety of basil Toni...I've not seen it before. The leaves are really pretty. Your gardens are so beautifully arranged and healthy! I always love visiting your blog. Happy bloom day ;)

  3. Your gardens are so pretty and I love all the curves in your borders. Interesting tomato!

  4. Nice composition and combinations! We have so many of the same plants and curvilinear beds.

  5. This post is going to need two visits!
    I am a new follower, Beautiful curved edging on your beds. Love the shot of Pear tomato (I think of all of the tomatoes I have grown, this is tops for flavor)

  6. Wow, Toni, so much to see in your gorgeous gardens! The Henry Duelberg salvia looks similar to my annual 'Victoria' but being a perennial it's amazing. I love blue in the garden. That's a graveyard plant find, right? So many blooms and each one perfectly sited. The pear tomato is gorgeous, too, and edible, a double winner.

    I adore all the curves in your garden'd never think your garden was subjected to three digit temperatures, it is so beautiful.

  7. Toni,

    I love your Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm. I've never had luck with this plant. What is your secret?

    PS Your garden looks amazing:) Now if we could only get some rain...

  8. Really like your window baskets. And the shady annual combinations is outstanding. Happy GBBD!

  9. @Sage Butterfly: Thanks for visiting! Aren't purple and yellow opposites on the color wheel? Therefore, they are supposed to be good companions. H'm...opposites attracting -- sounds like marriage :-)

    @Cat: We are of the mutual admiration blog society because I always love to visit your blog too :-) I'd be happy to send you some holy basil seeds if you me :-)

    @Darla: Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. The yellow pear out-produced all of my tomatoes this year and is still producing even in this ridiculous heat!

    @Greggo: Great minds think alike, right? Either that, or there's just so much that will live in these brutal conditions...and I don't like straight lines :-)

  10. @Karen (NY): Thanks so much for visiting and following!! I'm quite impressed with your blog; I've added you to my sidebar. Absolutely we do glimpse a little bit of glory in our gardens, don't we!!

    @Karen (WI): Yes, the 'Henry' is also a salvia farinacea, just like 'Victoria,' but perennial, and yes, it was found at Henry Duelberg's grave by Greg Grant. Oh believe me, the temps have taken their toll on some things, but GBBD is about what's blooming, not what's frying -- Ha! This heat is beginning to take its toll on ME, too! Please, Lord, send some rain!!!

    @Stephanie: No trick with 'Goldsturm' that I can think of. Sometimes I have to give it a little extra drink so it doesn't look so sad, but other than that, it's an easy one for me. It's got a really wide zone range, 3-9, so I think it grows just about everywhere, and I don't think it's overly picky about soil. Who knows. One of those garden mysteries. But I've got some things that just won't grow in my garden no matter how hard I try -- like butterfly bush and scabiosa. Gardening keeps us humble! Hey, I'm with you on the rain request!

    @RBell: I have finally found a combination that works in that large hayrack! It's a part sun/shade one and you know those things dry out so quickly, so I did some experimenting. Shade containers are pretty easy in TX (as long as you water them); it's the ones in the sun that are a challenge.

  11. aloha,

    wow your front yard is a riot of colors, i love the color combinations.

  12. Wonderful shot of your house entrance. Beautiful!

    I am surprised how you have in bloom in the middle of "exceptional" drought. Great job planning ahead!

    Happy GBBD!

  13. Such an inspiration Toni! Thanks for the great plant ideas to help make my gardens better!

  14. That salvia at the beginning of your post... spectacular and how I wish we could grow crape myrtles.... beautiful post Toni! Larry

  15. Your garden looks so beautiful and happy despite the summer heat! You have so much going on and so many beautiful colors. Such an inspiration!

  16. Wow, your gardens are gorgeous! So many pretty things, I don't even know where to start. I especially like the hayrack container. We've been Texas style heat lately, high 90's. I'm a summer lover, but even I've been pretty hot lately. LOL

  17. Toni - I just told my husband that I want my gardens to look like this "when they grow up"; he patted me on the back and said I better be prepared to buy a LOT more plants!

    Your gardens are seriously 'off the charts' cool! "Wow" doesn't begin to cover it...


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