This is the view from my living room window.
The leaves of the 'Bloodgood' Japanese Maple are just starting to turn.
The autumn leaves glowing in the afternoon sunlight frame the view beyond.
Today I just want to share some lovely leaves...
foliage, that is, fabulous foliage :-)
Blooms can be fleeting, but foliage adds enduring
interest, texture, contrast, and color.
Here are some of the other lovely leaves in my garden.
Variegated Turk's Cap contrasts nicely with the glossy dark green foliage of the Japanese Holly Fern.
Variegated Hydrangea brightens up a shady corner,
set off once again by the Holly Fern as well as Wood Fern
The king of glossy green foliage in my garden is the D.D. Blanchard Magnolia.
Planted as a 30-gallon container grown tree, this tree now stands close to
50 feet tall!
The undersides of the leaves are copper colored adding even more interest.
Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nana' |
From the largest to the smallest, this is a preview of my latest project. I just had a new flagstone walkway installed, and now I am in the process of planting
dwarf mondo in between all of the flagstones.
So far we have planted 720 4-inch pots of mondo. I have roughly 450 to go!
This project has been in the design stage for almost two years now. It is so exciting to see it finally coming to life!
One of the few (if not the only) Junipers that I like is this one called 'Blue Pacific' Juniperus conferta.
I have it planted on the back side of my pond. It is low growing and wide spreading. I like it because of its blue-green soft evergreen foliage.
Contrasting textures:
The soft gray-green foliage of the sedum in the background and the smooth gray foliage of graptopetalum in the foreground.
Oak Leaf Hydrangea is beginning to show signs of fall color.
'Red Emperor' |
The Japanese Maples are just beginning to show some fall color.
It is usually December in my Zone 7/8 garden before they are transformed
into the reds, oranges, and yellows of autumn.
'Sango Kaku' - Coral Bark |
The 'Texas Gold' Columbine foliage has finally perked up after a hot, dry summer.
Even through the cold winter months, the soft gray-green foliage gives hope of spring blooms to come :-)
For links to some other sites displaying fabulous foliage,
As winter draws near and the blooms start to fade,
I hope you are enjoying the lovely leaves in your garden.
Until next time...
Toni :-)